Smart Contracts
The architecture and functionalities of Valoro smart contracts.
Last updated
The architecture and functionalities of Valoro smart contracts.
Last updated
Valoro's Smart Contracts are currently private. We plan to open-source them after completing all security audits.
Valoro Multisig
Fees Distributor
Fund Template
Valoro Multisig
This is the Owner of the Valoro Contracts (Proxy, Fund Template, Fees Distributor). It is a Multisig SC, meaning that every action must be voted through the Valoro Founders before being executed in the blockchain.
Proxy SC
All Fund Contracts will be deployed through the Proxy SC. So, this SC will be the actual Owner of the the Funds. This contract may also be referred to as our Factory Contract.
Fees Distributor SC
This Contract collects the protocol fees from orders and distributes them to the Valoro Founders.
Fund Template SC
This contract serves as a template for Fund Contracts. It is used by the Proxy as the base code for all Fund contracts (creations and upgrades).